As exciting as it is to see "Tideline" in the newspaper, I have to admit it's also frightening. Suddenly, I have to face the fact that "it" is out there. It's kind of that point of no return.
Soon after the first print article about the film hit the news stands, a local television news reporter contacted me and said she, too, would like to do a story on "Tideline." I realized then that maybe my main goal, starting THE conversation, really will be the easiest part of this journey.
Since I refer to this blog as: SITREP (military speak for "situation report"), I think a few details about the production need mention. First, we are midway through fundraising via Kickstarter (see the campaign here:
I can't say that I feel confident that we'll reach our goal...but I'm hopeful.
Having said that we are prepared to film without those funds if we must. It just means we'll need to be a lot more creative and do more with a lot less.
In other news, we've added to our posse quite a bit. Ricardo Lugo joins us as Lead Camera, Amber Jackson as Stills Photographer, Ada Jackson (Amber's daughter) will play "Starfish Girl" in the film and, of course, we've been working with Gwyn Russel, who provides us with some extraordinary concept art.
There are a few others whose names will pop up here shortly, I'm sure.
Now, we are in the "Do It" phase.
Filming dates are solidifying around the beginning of May and we are 100% ready to go!
So, I'll close tonight with a few goodies. First, a short teaser trailer I put together today. It's really a teaser-teaser trailer, as we have no story footage yet.
The other thing is a completed sketch of the "Nicole" concept art (by Gwyn).

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